System hanging

Hi I have win 10 home 64 bit. I keep getting a system hang (particularly watching youtube) where I have to switch laptop off & on again to get it moving. I’ve run seatools & chkdsk to no avail. The 2 attached images are common of whts happening regards disk usage. Thanks

I was probably doing a scheduled scan antivirus :-TU

I don’t schedule any scans. I do the occasional manual scan.

Hello lyn,

Thank you for reporting.Let me know your CIS version,Please?
Have a nice day.

Kind Regards,

Hi, CIS Thanks

Hello lyn,

Thank you for your response,We are checking in it.
Have a nice day.

Kind Regards,

Could you next time when this happens look under the Details tab of Task Manager? That way we get to see the actual CIS process that is taking up the resources. That helps to narrow down the problem.

Solved my problem by installing CIS Although on another laptop running Win 10 pro, 1909, OS 18363.815 I can’t install the latest CIS due to administrative issues!