System Cleaner killed my PC - please help

I just downloaded and ran System Cleaner on my Dell XPS running Vista. After cleaning the registry, System Cleaner rebooted - or rather it tried to. My computer now won’t restart. It just loops over and over again as it tries to start. I can’t get into Windows or get to a command prompt. I did read in another thread where someone else had this problem, but I didn’t find any answers there that would help me.

I’m at the point where the only thing I can think to do is reinstall Vista from the system disk. Before I do that I would like to know if anyone can offer suggestions on recovering/repairing my system.

System Cleaner created a backup of the registry before making changes, but I don’t know how I can access that backup since I can’t get into Windows. Can I undo the damage or do I need to reinstall Vista?

Hello hillhart,

Can you boot with the last known good state? Press F8 button while the computer is booting up and choose the last known good state (aka restore). Or, if you can boot in safe mode (press F5 for safe mode while booting), you can undo the changes by the registry backup.

Will these help in your situation?
Best regards,


Thank you for your reply. I can get to a boot menu that gives me the following options:


When I try to start in safe mode or to start the last known good configuration, I get a blue screen with this message:

“A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer.

If I do nothing, Windows tries to start normally, shuts down, restarts . . .

I tried pressing F8, which gives me the following additional boot options:

Enable Boot Logging
Enable low-resolution video
Directory Services Restore Mode
Debugging Mode
Disable automatic restart on system failure
Disable Driver Signature Enforcement

I haven’t tried any of these yet, because I don’t know what they do.

Well, I was able to make a Vista boot disk on another computer, so I could boot up and do a system restore.

I won’t try using System Cleaner again. I don’t know what happened, but I’m just going to leave the registry alone.

Wise words. Registry is meant to be left alone. Lots of applications out there that mistreat your reg.
And lots of applications that are reliable enough, but still take care of backing up before moving for a sweep, like CCleaner, because they don’t trust themselves with a totally secure reg clean; in fact there is not such a thing; in fact there is no need to clean your registry unless there is something specifically wrong with it.
Registry cleaners are the snake oil of the cumputer industry.
I wonder why Comodo wastes time and resources with app’s that are available for free, like cleaners and sandboxes…


Hello hillhart,

Frist of all, sorry for your troubles. Comodo is trying to their bests to make no BSODS and such, testing CSC on more computers before releasing a software: however&unfortunetly, as you can see it’s absolutly not a 100% guarantee, noone is able to test all existing environment.

I’d try the “LAST KNOWN GOOD CONFIGURATION” from the above list, as safe mode isn’t working for you (that should disable most services, etc.).

If you still got time, help us to identify the source of the problem. Please, try to do the following:

  1. boot in with your disks or with your Vista DVD (it is bootable as default): do NOT use XP or older boot disks, they maybe cant handle Vista file systems properly and would cause more problems (as far as i know).
  2. use the recovery console or automatic repair and check the file system first, type in the following command into the command prompt:
    Chkdsk /f /r
  3. if everything is ok after restart, please, check the event viewer for errors and other events (e.g. other software installations/updates since you’ve last rebooted the computer before the crash and before installing CSC) and post them.

IMO, CSC either caused a problem in the NTFS itself or caused a problem in the pagefile.sys (virtual memory) - as i see your BSOD message, these should be possible.

Thank you for your feedback!


I learned that CSC while being powerful it is also destructive :o

I appreciate CIS very much but I’m staying away from CSC for a foreseeable future.
It’s very painful to run CSC and then finding the OS is damaged to such an extent the PC won’t start or having BSOD or keep on rebooting.

If I were member of COMODO team I would definitely try not to let SCS ruin COMODO brand name and instead of releasing an unsafe product would label it as Beta unless I’m very sure that is is safe.

I strongly agree.

I lost my system once to CSC.