
Sometime ago i posted help because i could not get a2 squared to update. I tried a lot of things to fix this issue but could not find an answer, the only way i could update a2 was to temporarily disable comodo and then it a2 would work. I recently installed avira antivirus and found i had the same problems with updating.

I finally found the answer to why i could not update. I had earlier blocked svchost.exe from accessing the internet. I thought i would let svchost through as i was running out of ideas as what to do, then i found a2 and avira can now update. I am posting this as i have fixed the problem and this maybe useful to other people who might suffer update problems.

Hi luccidity,

After installing new software if you do a new scan for known applications (click Security > Tasks and see bottom right of control screen) this will allow you to create an Internet access rule for each new application also when allowing an application by checking the ‘remember this decision’ button Comodo will add each one to its Application List.

Also this may be of interest to you:

Regards HL