Superantispyware entries in D+ log

Happened to notice there are MANY entries for Superantispyware in the D+ log. See image

The Action is always Access memory, and the targets are various Comodo files. Custom policy has everything for SAS as allow or ask.

Why are these being logged?
What would I do to have Comodo not log them?


CIS will not allow anything to access it unless it is allowed, therefore if you wan`t to remove these entries from your logs you need to add SuperAntispyware to the allowed list of “Interprocess memory access”

First off go to Defence+/Advanced/Computer security policy->Now find the entry “Comodo Internet Security” and double click it.
In the new window that appears click on “Protection Settings”
Now click on “Modify” next to “Interprocess memory access”
Click on “Add” and then either select SUPERANTISPYWARE.exe from running processes or Browse to it. You will see it appear at the bottom.
APPLY to close all windows.


[attachment deleted by admin]

Thanks for the instructions. I have done that and will check the log tomorrow to confirm.


Yes, that seems to have stopped the entries from appearing in the log.
