suggestions on comodo internet security

here are some suggestions to add on the future versions of cis

  1. early load (ability to load before windows boots)
  2. force start, when you are infected with a rogue, it may block applications, force start will help start the application
  3. faster scanning time in 64 bit versions, sometimes it takes forever to run a full system scan- 2-3 hours
  4. fix some more bugs on the anitivirus, sometimes i press clean and then it crashes.
  5. fix the bug on the sandbox, according to some tests, the sandbox fails to protect the computer, especially the gpcode trojan, it encrypts all files even though it is sandboxed.
  6. fix the bug when user account account control will sometimes block the application from starting automatically, i had to click on the application for it to run, so i had to turn off UAC

The .dll’s that protect your system load with the kernel. So it’s loaded before your OS is operational.

… i never knew …

Yes, the gui loads after windows, with the other programs, but the protection loads before Windows.