Suggestion for CIS

Greetings everyone.

I had initially sent in this suggestion through e-mail and was politely asked to readdress the question here on the forums. I hope that in doing so will raise the interest from the Comodo-guru’s and bring it into the next age of internet security.

I’ve been using Comodo for over a year now, ever since my Avast Av went dead and I wanted to see what else was out there. I thought I would try CIS on my laptop, since it seems to keep it completely corrected no matter where I would take it.

Today I realize that it was quite an understatement.

I’ve been happily using CIS and other valuable Comodo products ever since, and have learned to rely on them quite a bit.

Recently I had discovered a Microsoft product that I was quite excited about, and for me to be able to say that without wincing is ‘saying something’.

Microsoft has released a Home Server, conveniently called Windows Home Server, or WHS. Curious about it, I ordered the trial version on DVD and waited. When it arrived I chose to use one of my old gaming Rigs to act as the home server, the mediator for all 8+ computers in my home.

Think of WHS as a stripped down, streamlined home server.

After I installed the OS, I was surprised to see that Avast has an AV specifically for WHS, and Comodo did not.

Right now my WHS is running Clam AV, since I don’t want to pay for Avast because I don’t believe in paying a monthly fee just to keep my computer safe.

Hence the reason for my suggestion.

I’d like to see Comodo create a WHS version, and I would gladly involve myself with any sort of testing that they would need from me to do it.

I believe in their products that much, that I would add an alpha and a beta version just to help create this possibility.

WHS will not run a typical Server2003 application, it needs to be made in an add-on for the WHS Server Console. So what do you say, developers, want to take CIS to the next level for home network admins, and bring confidence and safety back into a reality?

Anyone? Anyone at all?

I was hoping to hear some feedback on the suggestion. =)

CIS will installed on WHS but not sure if it will provide protection on files stored on its special storage design. Better than nothing though, as realtime protection should catch the virus when it is executed.

ClamAV is not ready for prime time yet.

I have problem using CIS Firewall on WHS though, have to find a way to prevent CIS firewall lockup the server after installation. There is no console access my WHS box.

I am not familiar with WHS. I do have a question though. What is specifically different to WHS that it requires something more than a regular AV can deliver? What exactly does Avast 5 provide to facilitate that?