suggest setting

i not say use a firewall and i would have setting that protect all but with safe. time ago i’ve installed a version of comodo firewall and this program have blocked 2 times a driver nvidia and aso after many formatting i can’t use video card. the suggests received not was good.

Hi karrygun,
Try running a rating scan and when the scan completes select ‘show’ unknown files.
Any files you are sure are safe and belong to Nvidia could be moved to the trusted files list.
Run a Rating Scan

Kind regards.

When you say blocked a driver what do you mean exactly? Could you not install the driver successfully? Or did the driver install successfully but it was not working properly? If so what are the symptoms?

and aso after many formatting i can't use video card. the suggests received not was good.
Do you mean that after installing the drivers they are not working properly? See also my previous questions.