Sudden Update problems w/Ver. 5.12.256

This past week my comodo is having great difficulty in updating. and not completing the updates. I am repeatedly getting pop ups from comdo that the internet connection has been lost, but that can’t be as I am sometimes surging the web or checking my emails at the same time comodo is attempting to update. ??
My OS is Windows XP Pro, version 2002 with service pack 3
Comodo has been working fine up until recently. and comodo is not removing spyware during scans now. ?
I made screen prints of the popup notices if you care to see them. ( they are large bmps)

I’m also on windows XP and recently updated to CIS V5.12.256 and now haven’t been able to update since the first updating. I’m stuck at virus signature database 16985. Every time it tries to update (whether automatically or when I tell it to update) it gets to the finalizing stage, then craps out, and fails. It tells me that the update failed and to check my internet… which is fine.

Still having it…


I’m very sorry to hear this. Perhaps you may wish to try the newest version, which is version 6.3.

To uprade to this I would recommend that you follow the advice I give in this topic for uninstaling and reinstalling. If there is an issue with your installation which is currently causing the update problems, this should solve it. The newest version can be downloaded from here.

However, if you have a lot of rules, and don’t want to re-create them, you should use the upgrade installer, on the same page. Just run this over your current installation and it will update it to the newest version. I’ve seen some times where this was not able to solve problems, but a full uninstall and reinstall was, but if you like you can try it first.

Let me know if you have any questions.
