December 16, 2023, 9:45am
Previous Thread
Please submit all applications you would like to see trusted here. Whenever possible provide links to the application/software. This will provide much faster results.
Submit Entire Program For Whitelisting
Please include:
The name of the application/software
A download link to the application/software (assuming you know that it’s not potentially dangerous)
Submit Individual Files For Whitelisting
Include the name of the application/software (if possible)
Also upload the file to either Comodo Valkyrie , or VirusTotal and post a link to the results in your post
Vendor List Sign Up
If you are a company, or vendor, please fill out the form below to have your own software trusted:
Comodo Internet Security - Trusted Vendor List Sign Up
Whitelisting NOTE!
The whitelisting department has encountered lately alot of requests for files which have been already whitelisted. There are 4 main ways to check if a file is safe in our database:
Live status: when running the file or after O.S boots (startup cases)
On demand status: Main CIS interface/advanced tasks/open advanced settings/security settings/file rating/add/files/lookup
On demand status: Main CIS interface/ scan/ rating scan
On demand status: Main CIS interface/ advanced tasks/watch activity /autorun analyzer (killswitch menu)
If a file fails to be seen as safe on 1st and/or 2nd case, then it should be considered as not whitelisted and you can send it to the whitelisting department for analysis. However, if on the live status and filelookup ( 1. & 2.) the file was seen as whitelisted and was not sanboxed (program runs without any interruptions from CIS), then for the 3rd and 4th case if the same file fails to be listed as safe , please create tickets on bug sections and do not submit also a whitelisting request.
Sorry for the inconvinience and thank you for your understanding.
@New_Style_xd you can drop the file here Comodo Staff will rate it as Trusted
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Application Name: MicrosoftEdgeWebView2RuntimeInstallerX64
Download : Microsoft Edge WebView2 | Microsoft Edge Developer
Application Name: Spotify.exe
Download : Download para Windows - Spotify
IMG: VALKYRIE VERDICT - It is reporting as unknown.
In the total virus, XCitium is ok, the question is why is it not OK in VALKYRIE VERDICT?
Note: I wonder how come Valkyrie doesn’t have this program in her database?
Guys, we are talking about a program known worldwide. any database knows that it is legitimate, and COMODO does not.
Does anyone have any answers for this?
Whitelisted by Xcitium
And also at Valkyrie Verdict its Safe:
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It was only posted recently because the image I took yesterday was reported as unknown.
Guys, it’s been days since this file was whitelisted.
Does anyone at Comodo know if they will include it?
The file is Whitelisted by Comodo/Xcitium check it out at Xcitium Forums
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Hello friend, I took a look at the Valkyrie and it’s really ok now.
SHA-256 is listed clean.
Now I just have to update the CIS database, which will probably let me install normally, I’ll do the test.
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May 7, 2024, 11:36am
Its rated as Clean at Xcitium Verdict too
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I just want to thank you for your help regarding the files to whitelist.
What I see as good about this is that if everyone reports some programs or files, it will help the product get even better.
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May 7, 2024, 11:39am
No Problem anytime if you have more files drop them here or at xcitium forums for Whitelist
Friend, can you update to the new version. Thank you, installed successfully.
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May 7, 2024, 12:05pm
if you have more files that needs to be Whitelisted by Xcitium drop them here or at Xcitium Forums and Xcitium/Comodo will whitelist the files
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Why does my Firewall keep blocking Spotify?
Even though you are on the white list?
May 7, 2024, 12:10pm
You need to set a rule to not block it
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@Nik123 If you can help me on this matter. I’m grateful.
Application Name: auto-editor.exe
As you can see, everything is ok at XCitium.
The same file on Valkyrie is as unknown. how can you?
My CIS is locking the file that XCitium reports is “OK”.
High containment is blocking my file. I want you to check it and put it on the white list if possible, so I can continue developing the software I’m doing.
Below is the image of CIS blocking the file and its dependents. as the image below informs.
Below is the image of CIS locking the file.
I will be waiting to continue the work.
Look, I already did this and sent it to XCitium.
The image I posted of virustotal, XCitium detects it as Clean. the problem that the CIS blocks, which it was not supposed to block. and in Valkryie, as I sent the image, it is listed as unknown, the database is not talking to each other.