Strange thing in Comodo Pad

Hello again

I have installed Comodo Antivirus+Comodo firewall for testing and i have disabled the firewall and the antivirus and i want to right click, launch antivirus but it won’t launch/start. What must i do to fix this?


Please make sure you send this to

Include in the email details of your OS, IE and any additional info that
you think might be relevant.

Screenshots would also be useful.

Garry Bickerton
Head of Global Support and Customer Care Manager

Which version of Comodo personal firewall you have installed?

I have Comodo Personal firewall installed but its disabled in the background

I have sended a email the support of Comodo

Please verify few things:

  1. Are you able to launch Comodo Launch Pad using “Show Comodo Launch Pad…” menu item in system tray icon pop-up menu.

  2. Are you able to launch Anti-Virus from Comodo Launch Pad GUI.

I am able to launch Comodo Launch Pad
But i’m not able to launch Comodo Antivirus from the launch pad,

If you have CPF also installed, are you able to launch that?
I am wondering if something in your system is blocking running of one app by other.

Plz. do following check also:

  1. Go to task bar and see if CMain.exe is running.
  2. If it is not running plz. go to AntiVirus installation folder and run it.
  3. Now right click on Launch Pad system tray icon and see if you have access to Anti-Virus application related menus and they are functional.

Please verify above to help us to reach on some conclusion.

I am able to launch CPF

i have checked it and Cmain.exe is running in the task manager
I have righ clicked on the launch pad and i see some options
Launch Personal Firewall
Launch Antivirus
Check for Updates
Show Comodo Launch Pad

If i press Launch antivirus then the antivirus won’t launch and if i
press Launch firewall then the firewall will launch. Only the
antivirus won’t launch. I have acces to the comodo Launcher pad. I
have a screenshot attached of what i see in the launchpad. If i press
on Show application window in the antivirus it won’t launch. I hope
you have enough information to help me further