I just started using BolehVPN, and am trying to make my uTorrent connect to the internet only through the VPN., and to cut off all torrents if I lose Boleh. I am using Windows 7 Ultimate, SP 1, 32 bit, and Comodo Firewall with Defender +, v. 5.8.213334.2131. My antivirus is avgfree. I am using uTorrent 2.2.1 (build 25110). Please forgive the number of attachments—I hope that they contain relevant information to diagnose and solve this problem.
My uTorrent rules are shown in the attached “3 rules for utorrent”, and my global rules are in the attached “Comodo Global”.
Now, if I try to start uTorrent with Boleh disconnected, no connections are made with Peers/Seeds, which is what I want.
When I connect to Boleh first, and then start uTorrent, I get a lot of connections, as I want (see attached “utorrent opened after boleh opened”).
When I then disconnect Boleh, the number of Seeds/peer connections starts to drop, and gets very low, and the download rate is 0 (see attached “initial Boleh disconnect”).
However, after a while, uTorrent starts reconnecting to Seeds/Peers, and downloading from them (see “reconnect later”), which is decidedly weird.
Also, when I then exit uTorrent, the application closes, but after even a while, Task Manager shows uTorrent.exe still in Processes, and still listening. If I right-click uTorrent and end the process, it does so, and stops listening.
I am totally confused! What can I do to fix this? If you need me to run and post some logs, please let me know.
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