Still can't activate CPF


I installed CPF v2.3.6.81 a few weeks ago and was not able to get an activation code.

Every time I entered my details into the form and clicked submit, I would get an error message “The website may be down” or words to that effect. Today I submitted the form from my friends house and I got the activation code straight away.

However, when I try to activate i get the “2146697211” error. I have followed the instructions in the knowledge base regarding this problem (unchecking that option in internet explorer advanced options) and restarting the computer but it still gives me the same error message.

I have an AMD Athlon 2.0ghz, 1.5GB Ram, Windows XP SP2 + latest patches and avast anti virus.

Please help me someone as CPF looks greats but I’m having a bad experience so far.

Many thanks.

Sorry, My mistake!

I did not read the small print saying that

“PLEASE NOTE: Even if you do not use HPGURU it is still worth checking your hosts file for any entry for ‘’”

I thought step 3 did not apply to me, I followed step 3 and it’s activated now!

Many thanks for the great software!

BoogWeed, glad you got that resolved in such a short time! :BNC

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