SSL Certificate


I have installed COMODO SSL certificate(Free version for 90 days going to expire soon) for IIS 6 where the production site is hosted. Switching between http and https works fine in almost all browsers except on firefox in Linux. When i switch between http to https i get “Website certified by an unknown Authority”. Not able to figure out the reason.

Appreciate any help regarding this.



I can help you with your issue, but first I will need some additional information. I need an order number and/or domain name.

You can also visit our website. Submit a ticket and supply us with your order number and/or domain name, along with a brief description of what is going on. We will then respond to that support ticket and further assist you in this matter.

If you have any further questions please let us know so that we can further assist you.

Hi FreddieL,

Thank you very much for the reply.

Order No is “9719441” and domain name is “”. Meanwhile i will open a ticket and provide the required information.


Hi FreddieL,

I had opened a ticket in support.Comodo and got reply that Root and Intermediate certificates were not installed properly. Now i have installed them and hope this solves the issue.

Anyways thank you for your help.



I have checked your account and the installation still seems to be incomplete.The link below can help you with the installation process. You can also respond to the ticket that you opened if your still having difficulties.