Spyshelter testing app failed on Comodo from what I tested.

I got HIPS enabled and have CIS set to proactive security, it could capture, everything but keylogging because of my antilogging software. This isn’t good. :frowning:

Probably it was trusted by FLS.
Check CIS logs.
It should block everything expect webcam.

Yup, the exe was labeled as trusted. How can I remove it to test it properly?

Report it here


When testing Comodo against Leaktests such as Comodo’s CLT or Spyshelter’s Antitest, you should disable Cloud Lookup first or make sure the Rating of the testing executable is Unknown to CIS. For testing again you need to remove the File from File List or change its Rating to Unknown.

Also if you are going to test Comodo HIPS you have to disable Containment, since HIPS does not monitor contained applications.

Leaktest is toolkit, but applications safe is exploit for malware (keyloggers, screenlogger…);
encrypt keyboard is solution if others modules failed.