
Why CIS blocks it aka it can’t read system specs?

What system specs reader isn’t on CIS blocklist?

Can you give examples of which system spec readers are blocked by CIS?

But it doesn’t block speccy or any other related software, maybe you shouldn’t change CIS Settings if you do not know what those settings do.

Speccy works on my end, no problem.

I am using CPUID HWMonitor but Speccy also works without issues here as well. Check if Piriform is in your Trusted Vendors List and if Speccy executables are rated as Trusted under File Rating settings.

Speccy Works well for me

when checking (well trying) to check system specs on computer which has CIS (AV on access, HIPS safe mode, Auto-Containment and Virus Scope enabled) with speccy portable (dl’d from filehippo) near all tabs say that Cannot initialise SPC dll and yes run with Admin rights.

Speccy from Piriform site is V1.32.774
What’s your Speccy portable version from filehippo?

I’ve tried to run Speccy V1.32.774 with a “Standard User” account but it informs me that it needs Administrator permissions to run properly.
So on my end Speccy just refuses to run using a “Standard User” account.

You’re running a very out of date version that can’t even correctly identify Windows 10 as the OS, the issue is with speccy itself not CIS.

Well filehippo’s version triggers HIPS.

Portableapps Speccy doesn’t get blocked.

I have to make a remark when running Speccy using Admin account. Each time when Speccy (file rating trusted) is run it is added to the “BLOCKED APPLICATIONS” list as it tries to access memory of cmdagent.exe (as reported by HIPS log). Also when Speccy is run (when removed from “BLOCKED APPLICATIONS” and also removed HIPS rule) it stalls the CIS GUI (making it non responsive) for a quite a while. After the second run (after it appears on the “BLOCKED APPLICATIONS” list) it doesn’t stall the CIS GUI anymore.

Apart from the above Speccy runs normally (admin account) and gathers system information.