Sources of where i get malware from so CIS could potentially improve detection

@ipipirig @FlorinG Guys please improve the detection rate for Xcitium Antivirus
Here are the main sources where i get malware from

  1. Vx Underground
  2. MalwareBazaar | Checking your browser
  3. Index of /malware-bazaar/daily
  4. - /samples/ (You need to Sign Up in order to download samples)
    These are the sources where i get malware from and guys please improve the detection rate now you know the sources i hope i see a better detection ratio
    Password for the archives is: infected or Infected

Your initiative is very good, my friend. Now COMODO just needs to hire developers to do the work.
Because it won’t do any good for us to report the Malware and no one does anything about it.

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No need to hope!

It just took a few months to realize it…

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@FlorinG ??? Where are you arent you supposed to reply back to me?

@FlorinG I gived you sources where i get malware from please be gentle and blacklist the files
i am praying to you

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Hello @Nik123,

Thank you for sharing these. We are processing samples from multiple sources and we’re always happy to add new sources to the list, if any come up.

Best regards,


@FlorinG Yes Thank you verry much and please improve the signatures
Thank you verry much for your reply


@FlorinG These sources i gived you new samples are coming up every day so check everyday these sources and blacklist the files
Thank You verry much for your reply

FlorinG… With all due respect and great admiration. (A guy alone or almost who fills by hand, one by one, an antiviral database… (in our time…))

I have submitted samples that are often declared positive by all the market leaders, but which are still not for Comodo several months later?


Did someone at the top decide to make Comodo CIS obsolete for the benefit of XcItium without ever saying so?

Seen from the outside it looks a lot like sabotage…

And the story of the certificate problem not resolved for so long only confirms this hypothesis…

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Really, all that remains for me to do is to wish him the best for 2025, hoping that this year 2025 will be the complete opposite of the year 2024, that is to say a great year for COMODO CIS.

Happy New Year to All

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@FlorinG I see you are blacklisting these files from the sources i gived you i see a bit of improvements
@FlorinG Thank you very much and check everyday and blacklist new files
Thank You

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@FlorinG I see you improved the signatures there were 500 Malware files and Xcitium removed with its signatures 468 and there are 32 Left so good job @FlorinG Kepp it up and everyday check the sources and blacklist the files Thank you so much for improving the detection :heartbeat:

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@Melih This is what i am talking about to improve the detection and the 32 left files to sandbox and analyze as simple as that
And @FlorinG Thank You so much

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@Overclocker-001 Starting alredy with a good start the detection is improved by @FlorinG He improved the detection

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I don’t believe it will always be updated like this.
You can be sure that they must automate these virus collections and feed them into COMODO’s database to have good detection.

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FlorinG will be blacklisting all the files everyday from the sources i gived him and also on new sources he finds


I wonder why this wasn’t done many years ago?

That’s why I don’t think it will happen now.

I don’t think he’ll take the time to do this every day, unless someone is hired to do just that every day.

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@FlorinG Is Comodo Staff so of course he is hired and he will be blacklisting all the files everyday

Alright guys i did a test on signatures so i grabbed a pack of malware from malware bazzar daily samples the samples where from yesterday which means they are brand new and in the pack there were 270 Files
Then Xcitium detected with signatures alot of files and it dropped down to 73 Files
Then i did a runtime test and from 73 files it dropped to 48 Files(All Cloud Detections)
And there were only 2 sandbox alerts and 2 VirusScopes


This is whats left 48 Files i have subbmited them to Xcitium for analysis so we will see what happans if they are malicious or good anyways i am really impressed by the detection
@FlorinG Thank you for improving the detection

Detection rate percentage: