Sort Programs List by Install Date

You have the Install date & time, please add a column to the Programs listing and allow sorting by Install Date/Time.

I have on a number of occasions had problems where I’ve needed to try to figure out: “what did I install around the time I started seeing this problem” or some such. I end-up using Agent Ransack to find folders created around certain dates, which is most unwieldy.


This feature is available in the latest beta version of CPM. You can download the beta version from this location.

Thank you.

Hmmm I looked at the beta info and did not see this. Now I’ve installed the Beta and do not see this feature–I see only Programs, Company, Size, Status, and Usage, but nothing about Install Date.

Please advise.


A context menu option has been added for the “Programs” and “Drivers and Services” menus. To add the new columns to the lists you have to right click an item in the list and select the column you wish to be displayed.

For the Programs menu these options are:

  • Add install location path column
  • Add installation date column

For the Drivers and Services menu there is only one option:

  • Add driver/service state column

A “Reset to defaults” option is also available once you modify any of the columns’ size or add new columns.

Thank you.

Thanks, I’d right-clicked on the column headers but not the individual programs! Still, when I add the Dates column, the sorting does not work, and the date entries appear very odd; attached show the first few lines of my Programs, not sorted in any way that I can see. And what is the leading number that’s in there?

I hope we can get sorting to work!

[attachment deleted by admin]


Fixes to these issues have been implemented and will be available in our next release.

Thank you.