Sony PC Suite false positive?

Running latest installer of SPCS gives me the warning below. I am currently testing BOC 4.24 (RC) with latest updates. I have never had issues with this software before (used Kaspersky). I haven’t scanned with any AV/AT software as alternative, but I’m 99% sure it’s false alert. The file was download from the official Sony Ericsson website.


Location of startup: FILE

This trojan horse program was found on your machine.
It has been shut down, but the FILE from which it
started still remains and can be started up again.

  Do you want the file removed also?

Yes No



Welcome to the CBO forum blueshirt!
I wouldn’t completely discount the detection given Sony’s past record.
From the FAQ…

Personally I won’t touch anything Sony, especially their software.

Ho ho ~cat~ :o Sony makes great mobile phones ;D It’s together with Nokia, Sharp and Toshiba on my favorite brands. But the PC Suite is known to be ■■■■■■. I don’t use it, although I also think it should be a false positive :slight_smile:

Greetz, Red.


Thank you for the warm welcome. :slight_smile:

I know about rootkit fiasco. I wrote a paper and had presentation about it for my Business Ethics class. While Sony BMG and Entertainment section (PS) might have bad reputation, SE is totally different beast. They make excellent phones (next to Nokia, which is my favourite), and provide excellent service. Their software lacks many features and is very basic, but I use it for some things like software update and syncing occasionally. It does what it is supposed to do.

I had some memory issues with installer as well. Downloaded it twice and tested it. Kaspersky doesn’t detect anything nor does HouseCall and NanoScan when I installed and ran software. BOC blocks installer from running. Excluding executable does not help. While adding it to the list, BOC hangs (main box) until I close exclude window.

It could be some issue with installer (it’s 46MB big so I can’t email it), but BOC detects something that probably isn’t there.

I don’t know if I am allowed to post direct links, if not, I apologise to mods. The installer is available for download here: http:// www.

No problems, I’ll break the link up so it’s not clickable. :wink:

Hey blueshirt :slight_smile:

Off topic : Maybe you already know them, but there are 2 good alternatives for the PC Suite :

Greetz, Red.

Thanks to both of you. Should have looked for FAQ/Rules first on posting. Thanks for removing live link.

I just found about MyPhoneExplorer today. I haven’t tried it before. Will give it a shot tomorrow. Thanks. FMA just crashes on my setup. It won’t even launch. I usually use MobilEdit! It works with both my Sony and Samsung. It messed up my phonebook in the past though, so I just use it for texting and transferring files. Will look into MyPhoneExplorer though. It looks interesting and it’s free. Thanks again for suggestions, I appreciate it.