Some very strange issues.

Name IceDragon
User Agent Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; WOW64; rv:20.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/20.0 IceDragon/

On one website causes the display of a forums under maintenance message whereas internet explorer 10 does not and gives immediate access to the forums.

On the setup page for my router causes the following error, again this works perfectly with I.E 10

400 Bad Request
No request found.

If refreshed you get the screen as it should have been except for one screen which is the one required to do a soft reboot of the modem.

Hi and welcome 1stFalloutBoy,
Try disabling Comodo Secure DNS, found under options, advanced, general.

I will move this to IceDragon Help as it is not a Dragon issue. :slight_smile: