Snoopfree won't work with Comodo firewall?

I was wondering, whenever I install Snoopfree and reboot the comp, the reboot got stuck in a cycle and won’t fully boot. I have Comodo Firewall on and I heard its not compatible. I installed, PSM Antikeylogger instead and it works! I want to see how Snoopfree work and wanted to test it out that is all.

Also, when I enter a key letter from the keyboard, it have all of these different answers given.
Example: I press the key “k” and hold it, all of these letters appear. I’m not really sure how to explain it, lol><.

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Snoop and CIS are incompatible. If irecall correctly Snoop will try to unhook the Comodo driver from the kernel.

You will have to choose what program you want to keep.

Darn, thank you so much for the reply. Why can’t we have the best of both worlds?:smiley:
PSM AntiKeyLogger tried to disabled the Comodo firewall thingie too. Luckily it gave us the chance to enable it><.