Slow PC

I have just installed CIS 3.5 and my PC is on a go slow!!.

Previously had Avast AV, windows firewall (local) and Spybot running with no problem.

I am connected via a network cable to 2 x Small business 2003 serversl. I am using ISA proxy client and My PC uses XP SP3.
I have left the MSoft firewall on.

My main activity is VB programming via SQL Server 2005. When I check in and out VB forms it takes forever and
so does similar file activity.

I have tried disabling the firewall, av on access scanner and Security + but its still slow.

Can anyone help with any settings I may have missed?

Its getting to a point where I will have to go back to my previous setup



May I ask, what IDE do you use?
Do you use single or dual core CPU?


I am using SATA drives with a hyper threading processor if that helps.



Thanks for the info.
Actually under IDE I meant Integrated Development Environment
the application you use to edit/build/debug your code