Slow examination of the files.

A few days ago I sent the files undetected by Comodo Antivirus. Now, I removed them from the list of trusted files and still the system does not recognize them. Too large a delay in verifying files. You should work on a faster system for analyzing files.

My version Comodo Antivirus Free:
My system:
Windows 7 x86

You can submit them in this thread and they will be processed quicker.

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Notification of the files is the paranoia. I have installed many new programs that should be quickly analyzed, and no further enforced my action. I’m sorry, but how fast I was happy with Comodo Antivirus as soon return to the competitive anti-virus program. Good luck in application development.

Is it really process any quicker ??? What are the normal processing time?
I’ve submitted files in the thread for more than a week but they are still unknown to CIS.

It think it really depends on the application. Obviously some are going to be quicker to determine whether or not they are safe.