Slow Cleaning

Comodo System Utilities takes a lot of time to clean, after already having scanned my system.
It takes about 4 min. a lot longer than other cleaners.

what antivirus are you using?

I am running Unthreat Anti-Virus Free.

try disabling the realtime scanner and run system utilities again. Unthreat is probably scanning everything system utilities is trying to clean causing the cleaning to slow

It didn’t help to turn off the real time protection.
The cleaning process is fast until 36%. From 36% on it is very slower. After the cleaning is done I always get the message 4 files couldn’t be backed up!

it sounds like the backup is causing the slow down. you can disable the backup if you would like. i personally keep the registry backup on and disable the privacy and disk cleaner backup

I can’t find the option to disable the backup.
Could you point it out? :slight_smile:

first click the tab you want to change (ie disk cleaner, privacy cleaner etc) then click the settings tab at the top

[attachment deleted by admin]

Backups were in fact the cause of the slowdown issue.
Another thing the privacy cleaner doesn’t fully clean the SRWare Iron 18.0.1050.0 browser data.
Address bar history is maintained, and if you tick the Clean “bookmarks”'s box it doesn’t clean the bookmarks either.

and if you tick the Clean "bookmarks"'s box it doesn't clean the bookmarks either.
Scratch that, actually bookmarks are cleaned after restart, even though I had the browser closed at the time