Simple usability improvements

OK - I’ve just finished testing dozen of firewalls and as expected none of them is as good as Comodo. Unfortunately, as I was hoping I’ll find something better as there are some quirks with Comodo that drive me mad.

So I am leaving this feedback with off-chance that somebody from developer team with access to source code who can influence next update will read this and decide what I say make sense & resolve these 3 simple nuisances that plague what is undoubtedly the best firewall on the market.

  1. When alert dialog pops up provide links that will do following with ONE click:
    a) Block only once and don’t remember
    b) Block and don’t alert me any more

Currently if you want to do 1) a) - you need to first click on checkbox at the bottom to uncheck, then click on block, then click on Block once which is completely unnecessary. I emphasize that there is no way to Block only once - you need at least two clicks - first to expand block menu, then click on Block Once. I mean wouldn’t be easier if you provide Block Once icon/link immediately rather than forcing us to ALWAYS expand that block menu?

  1. b) is even more complicated - you need to open double click on tray, then click on Firewall link, then open settings, then click on “Do not notify me”, then click on OK, then finally go through blocking existing request. Thanks though for this option - it’s the only reason why I updated from older version.
  1. Expose “show alert popups” as “Check” entry in context menu when user right clicks on system tray icon. This would allow users to easily enable/disable popups without going deep into the settings just to disable popups. So - if popups are enabled show them, if they are not just reject/block all requests. Ideally there should be a configurable keyboard shortcut tied to this option.

Thanks again for all your hard work and I sincerely hope you’ll consider my feedback - if for nothing else then because it would be trivial to implement what I am talking about here and it would severely improve usability of the app & save users like me tons of time.

It’s obviously waste of time to try and leave feedback for you guys… well, thanks for the firewall at least, I guess you’ll get it right eventually in few years.

Hi kape123,
Your feedback is not a waste of time, it has been viewed numerous times and it is appreciated.
Thank you.

2. Expose "show alert popups" as "Check" entry in context menu when user right clicks on system tray icon. This would allow users to easily enable/disable popups without going deep into the settings just to disable popups. So - if popups are enabled show them, if they are not just reject/block all requests. Ideally there should be a configurable keyboard shortcut tied to this option.

You mean a one click ‘safe but silent’ mode, operative ax all modules?

This is approximately how CIS is setup by default, but if people don’t accept the defaults and later regret it, it could be useful.


Yes - I basically want to tell firewall - just apply the rules I’ve already set and don’t bug me with new questions until I allow you so (for example I’m starting a coding/reading/gaming session). If you have a workaround that would allow me to do this - please let me know.

As I said - I would love if I could map a keyboard shortcut - that would allow me to invoke it from within the game for example.

I’m sure I’m not the only one desiring this option.

Thanks for your posts and the time you’ve invested in those.

There are ‘do not show pop-ups’ settings in all modules. Also there is game mode, but that is too permissive for some (inc me)

Yeah - but those are buried deep in settings - we need to go through tons of dialogs just to check/uncheck that. As I said I would just love if that show popups/block requests check was easily exposed so that I don’t need to jump through lots of dialogs just to check/uncheck that.

And I don’t need it per module if that’s too hard - just simple - show dialogs/block requests checkbox when you right click on icon in systray would be great start. Keyboard shortcut & block and hide active request popup would be god-sent.

I think game mode is not hidden but very good to reach…too good…