sifferebt techies say different things about reinstalling windows for me

different techies at GB led me to believe they could reinstall widnows to overcome my BSOD problems. chris told me GB does not do this. why do different techs mislead in this way. who is right?


(06:23:08 PM) System: Hello! Thank you for using GeekBuddy. Please provide a brief description of the issue you are experiencing.
(06:25:20 PM) shri sharmaji: reinstall windows vista, then win 7 upgrade disk then comodo etc. GB techies advised that MY BSODs can ve fixed this way. if you connect via laptop I can keep in touch during the process on this PC.
(06:25:36 PM) Chris: Hello! My name is Chris. I will be assisting you today!

(06:26:43 PM) shri sharmaji: /
(06:31:37 PM) shri sharmaji: yes?
(06:31:54 PM) Chris: How may I help you?
(06:32:34 PM) shri sharmaji: (06:25:20 PM) shri sharmaji: reinstall windows vista, then win 7 upgrade disk then comodo etc. GB techies advised that MY BSODs can ve fixed this way. if you connect via laptop I can keep in touch during the process on this PC.
(06:33:06 PM) Chris: I’m sorry but we don’t offer support for reinstalling windows.
(06:33:25 PM) Chris: After you reinstall it and you want help with installing Comodo Products then we can assist you
(06:33:29 PM) shri sharmaji: this is waht your other techies said they could do to fix the problems
(06:33:46 PM) Chris: And I agree with them
(06:33:55 PM) Chris: But we do not offer support for reinstalling Windows
(06:34:13 PM) shri sharmaji: I cannot reinstall windows on my own. am confused at conflicting advice given by you when other techs have said the opposite. pl check history
(06:35:23 PM) Chris: Conflicting advice?
(06:35:42 PM) Chris: Here is a list with the services we offer
(06:35:43 PM) Chris: PC Tune Up and Virus Removal | Computer Troubleshooting | GeekBuddy
(06:35:51 PM) shri sharmaji: they said they could do this. pl check your history
(06:36:51 PM) Chris: They said they could install windows for you?
(06:37:24 PM) shri sharmaji: pl check even the last chat history and before. I wasted a lot of time backing up files to prepare for this
(06:40:09 PM) Chris: I checked the history right now
(06:40:31 PM) Chris: But unfortonately we don’t offer support for reinstalling windows.
(06:40:45 PM) shri sharmaji: why have i been misled?
(06:42:36 PM) Chris: I’m sorry about that
(06:42:59 PM) shri sharmaji: ty then.
(06:43:08 PM) shri sharmaji: bye for now.
(06:43:16 PM) Chris: Thank you and have a good day