show parent application

I was just wondering…after updating to the newest version of Comodo Firewall, why don’t I get the popup saying the parent of IE has changed whenever I click on the windows live messenger e-mail icon at the top? Before I had this pop up saying the parent has changed to svchost.exe, now I don’t, is there a way I can it back because I don’t get other parent pop ups anymore.

or is this just a new update for the firewall?


Instead of an alert saying that the parent application has changed, you should get told what application is trying to execute what application. Normally, explorer.exe executes most of the applications, but if WLM (msnmsgr.exe) would do it, you should get an alert, since WLM isn’t allowed to execute the same processes as explorer.exe. So the feature is kept, except it’s now handled by Defense+.


Ok, I see, but the thing is I don’t seem to get a pop-up of some sort…

I guess you’ve only installed the firewall?
If you have Defense+ enabled, you should get an alert everytime a process launches another one. If it’s in Clean PC Mode or Train with Safe Mode, it might get auto-allowed.


I actually do have Defense+ installed and I have it on Clean PC Mode.

Okay, that might be why you don’t get any alert.

In clean pc mode, you’d still get an alert if a program newly introduced in you computer tried to run another, even considered safe, program. Sot it’s quite safe, but it won’t alert you about programs considered safe which in clean pc mode include all programs already installed when CFP entered the system.

I just tried Paranoid Mode, but I still get no pop up…

This is how it works: clean pc mode and train with safe mode don’t only grant permissions to safe programs, but at the same time those modes remember and create rules, hence the “train”. Paranoid mode on the other hand won’t create any rule without your intervention, but of course it will still abide by the ones already created. If you want try with a totally new program you don’t have yet, or delete rules from the computer security policy.

Anyway be careful. There are a some people whose computer got irresponsive because they actually set their D+ into blocking Windows itself, and some had to reinstall through safe mode.