Should i switch to CAVS or AntiVir from NOD-32???

Please advise me… (:NRD)


Hi Ashu (:WAV)

I am afraid that only u can answere that question, i would suggest to trial CAVS first to get a feel of the software(see how it works with ur current set up).

My advice is to stick with NOD and wait till CAVS is in a final release, as i have said before CAVS WILL B AWSOME when it is finalised, but i will stick with NOD untill the final release.

NOD is a great A/V why the change?

Thanks pal… :wink:
Let’s see what orthers think…

I totally agree with Novieiam. If you are a paid user of NOD32, I suggest you keep it! It has scored very well in tests. I believe CAVS is a future program that will provide excellent protection, with the next version (a beta was supposed to come by the end of July, so maybe we can expect something “soon” ;)).


(a beta was supposed to come by the end of July, so maybe we can expect something "soon" Wink).

That means a full version is still far??? (:SAD)

Well, perhaps a full version is not far away - 2.0 Beta is more or less “full” - but it will take time to get a stable 3.0! (I don’t know if Comodo will make a 2.0 stable, or go directly to 3.0 Beta)

Look here:;msg78734#msg78734


A good intermediate solution is AntiVir ( where you get the version for private use for free. So you don’t have to pay anything until CAVS final is out. Detection rate is very good (see

A good intermediate solution is AntiVir ( where you get the version for private use for free. So you don't have to pay anything until CAVS final is out. Detection rate is very good (see

looks gud but how gud s it on system resources???

I am very worried about system resources…cuz my RAM stopped functioning recently…
I do have the replacement but its just 96MB (don’t laugh) :SMLR…
Can u believe running Xp SP2 with 96MB RAM??? :o

Peeps: If this is going to stray from the thread title with other AV’s then I suggest either the title be modified or this will have to move to the Anti Virus/Malware Products board.

That aside, I recommend that NOD32 be retained if you’re concerned about resources because it’s one of the lighter AV’s. How you’re able to run XP with 96 RAM megs is amazing on its own.

Peeps: If this is going to stray from the thread title with other AV's then I suggest either the title be modified or this will have to move to the Anti Virus/Malware Products board.

Do it, if you have to…no problem… :wink:

That aside, I recommend that NOD32 be retained if you're concerned about resources because it's one of the lighter AV's. How you're able to run XP with 96 RAM megs is amazing on its own.

Too late, I already uninstalled my NOD-32 and I am downloading CAVS as i speak…
Let’s see how good/bad CAVS turns out to be…

ps: I couldn’t keep my hands-off from CAVS… (:TNG)

Hmm…you should’ve read more into CAVS because it still consumes quite a bit of memory in this beta version. I don’t have it, so I can’t tell you exactly how much. All I know is that when it’s finalized the memory reduction will be there for sure.

All I know is that when it's finalized the memory reduction will be there for sure.

Yeh…hope so… :THNK should've read more into CAVS because it still consumes quite a bit of memory in this beta version. I don't have it, so I can't tell you exactly how much. All I know is that when it's finalized the memory reduction will be there for sure.

You were right i should have sticked with NOD-32… (:SHY)

i just uninstalled CAVS…guess i’ll wait till it get’s more efficient… (or i get a new RAM (:WIN))

AntiVir takes around 11 MB on my machine and is fast. However, 96 MB is too low for anything. Even XP alone crawls and struggles. Memory is so cheap these days.

AntiVir takes around 11 MB on my machine and is fast. However, 96 MB is too low for anything. Even XP alone crawls and struggles.

believe it or not but 'am not experiencing problem in running windows xp… (:KWL)

Memory is so cheap these days.

not in INDIA… (:SAD)

If you can’t update your hardware, go for Antivir. You won’t get anything for free that is as light and as good.

If you can't update your hardware, go for Antivir. You won't get anything for free that is as light and as good.

on second thought…i don’t feel the need of getting an antivirus…
i think 'am safe till i don’t log on untrusted sites…and don’t open spam…
and i also have world’s best leak proof firewall to protect me… (:WIN)


Hi Ashu

Serious mistake if u do not have an A/V.

on second thought…i don’t feel the need of getting an antivirus…
i think 'am safe till i don’t log on untrusted sites…and don’t open spam…
and i also have world’s best leak proof firewall to protect me… (:WIN)
If u say u won’t log on untrusted sites, how can u tell if they are untrusted?GET AN A/V A.S.A.P or the next post could be ( how do i remove this virus).

Ok…thanks for advise…I think you are right… (:TNG)

'am downloading antivir now… ;D

An AV program is an absolute must nowadays. Otherwise your PC will be infected faster than you think.
Although memory may not be cheap in India, if you could invest into 128MB or better 256MB additional RAM, you can run XP so much better. I had it running with 192MB once and that was really ok.