Several Networks Appeared in systray

I have installed CIS Pro last night and multiple networks popped up in my Netwok and Sharing Center even though I have only one PPPOE connection to the Internet.

If you have any workaround, please post it.

I too have pppoe connection. And I guess, like here you too dont have static IP but everything set to automatic in connection properties i.e IP & DNS.

I dont know exactly this is the reason for so many network or not, but I think coz of the automatic IP it may be changing & therefore few networks.

I too have sometimes 2 , 4 networks but I think its normal & so I never asked here.

May be some experts will give some info here.


No, it’s not normal because I don’t connect and reconnect every second. I can have the same IP for a few days if I want to stay connected continuously. Even if I would reconnect every second, it still should be just one network.
This never happened until I installed Comodo so…

Can you post some more details regarding the network connections windows believes it’s found. Open Network and Sharing/Change adapter settings, perhaps the properties will help.