Setup Wizard

People who are not liking the defaults and want change. i feel it would be best to have a few questions asked before restart.

such as

What Configeration you want? and give a description of each. or select custom to setup each component. AV ,Firewall and D+

What type of Firewall settings you want beginner or not.

What setting you want for D+ and AV.

just general Question to get start with on setup.

What do you think of this option being added into the installer? i think it would help.


I personally use configuration files, so this is sort of a non-issue to me. However, it would be good for those who don’t, and those new to the program. First impressions are pretty important and CIS doesn’t handle first impressions as well as it could.

So I’m fine as long as there’s an option to skip this while still going custom install.