Hey Guys, The aim of this guide is to outline the functions of Comodo’s Firewall and to set up a secure connection with the internet. If you have anything that I can add to this guide or mistakes I have made please post them to me.
If you are unsure of some of the features, Comodo has a great help file that you can find at;
Comodo → Misc → Help
^Larger Image Here^
We are going to start by going to;
Comodo → Firewall → Stealth Ports Wizard. We will select “Block All Incoming connections - Stealth my ports to everyone” and click Finish.
^Larger Image here^
Then we are going to set up a network connection to a router\home network;
(This is usually done automatically for you)
Comodo → Firewall → My network Zones
We will add a Loopback zone and Local Area Network #1
In most cases, the loopback zone is 127.0.01/
In most cases, the Network zone is your routers address\host machine
^Larger Image Here^
Click apply!
Now we should have set up an Internet connection, lets tweak things a bit
We are going to go to;
Comodo → Firewall → Advanced → Firewall Behavior settings.
We are going to push the slider up to Safe mode
Safe Mode: While filtering network traffic, the firewall will automatically create rules that allow all traffic for the components of applications certified as 'Safe' by Comodo. For non-certified new applications, you will receive an alert whenever that application attempts to access the network. Should you choose, you can grant that application internet access by choosing 'Treat this application as a Trusted Application' at the alert. This will deploy the predefined firewall policy 'Trusted Application' onto the application.
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Then click on the the “Alert Settings” Tab in the same window, Slide to Medium and click on the click boxes, but leave " This computer is an Internet connection Gateway " Un-ticked . Unless you need it.
^Larger Image here^
Now we will move to;
Comodo → Firewall → Advanced → Attack detection settings
We are going to Tick the select boxes, “Protect the ARP cache” and “Block Gratuitous ARP Frames”
^Larger Image here^
Then we will click on the misc tab in the same window,
And select all the tick boxes.
“Block fragmented IP datagrams”
“Do protocol analysis”
“Do packet checksum verification”
“Monitor other NDIS protocols than TCP\IP”
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That’s about it for setting up the firewall, now lets move onto the “Network Security Policy”