Service interruption

Good day,

We are aware that there is an issue logging in to the Antispam Gateway interface. We are investigating and will advise of the cause as soon as possible.

Thank you for your patience while we resolve the problem - we hope it is not causing too much inconvenience.

Kind regards,

Between approximately 18:19 and 20:38 it was not possible for users of Antispam Gateway to log into their consoles. Upon submission of their credentials, users would receive the “Processing” icon and the display would return a white page.

We are investigating the cause of this and will advise a.s.a.p.

We are pleased to inform however that email flow was uninterrupted and that the filtering process still took place.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused and thank you for your patience.

Kind regards,

Hi Michel,

We have been testing CASG starting today as we figured that December 25-26th, there would not be too much email traffic anyway… Well, it has been frustrating as we changed the MX Records this morning and now we keep receiving our emails via our catchall email system??? In addition, when we try to access the Console, we get the error described above with the white page showing only so no stats to speak of…

Could this be related too the MX record propagation? Or something else? Any fix coming?

Hoping that CASG is ready for prime time… even if we are only 5 Exchange users…

Hi jfproulx,

We did have a problem this morning (please see my post for more info)

Our apologies for the snafu.

If you are still having problems once you have redirected MX traffic from your ISP and configured your ASG console to redirect mail to your mailserver’s public IP/name please let us know at
