Yeah thats what happened to me.

My PC would boot up fine, untill I clicked ANYWHERE. Then it would freeze up. I eventually had to reformat my computer because it was blocking a windows start up file, causing it to crash when ever I clicked.

Anyway I hope these problems are almost fixed. I really love Comodo software, the firewall mainly, I’ve been using it for quite sometime, best firewall I think, and I expect CAVS to be a very good free antivirus.

I’ll back up my files, then try using CAVS again. Last I tried it was about 6-7 months ago.

I must be LUCKY, it will not install on my system, note my sig, have done two downloads of CAVS and neither one will install. I bring up RUN and place the file in there to do the install and NOTHING happens (CAVS_Setup_2.0.17.58_Beta.exe). I have the VEngine also and it seems to work AOK and the BOClean v4.25 have not had any probs with them, yet. Hope there will not be any.

After reading down this thread seems there has been an issue with CAVS for some time, hope it is fixed soon. Now need to return to my AviraAntiVir software 'til you people are done.

This is my 3rd time installing CAVS. This version, however is very stable. I installed CAVS a total of 3 times. The 2 others messed my system up bad, 1st time I had to reformat, and second time I just had to boot in safemode and uninstall it. Now for the 3rd time, it works quite well. Its much more stable, now if you have had problems with it recently it could have been the way you set it up in your system, perhaps try again?