Sending Encrypted E-mail with Outlook 2007 [ANSWERED]

I would like to send an encrypted e-mail from Outlook 2007 from my home computer to my work e-mail address. I tried to do so in Outlook 2007 and it stated that I needed a digital ID. I downloaded and installed one from Comodo using Firefox.

When I try to send an encrypted e-mail again through Outlook, it still gives me the message that I have no certificates. I found a Comodo page where it describes how to use the certificate using Thunderbird and it describes finding the certificate under Tools Options Advanced Encryption in Firefox, but when I tried this there are a large number of certificates and I am unable to find the one recently created.

Would appreciate any advice if I am doing this correctly or what I need to do. Thanks!

I think you may be trying to do this without installing CSE? If you install CSE both ends and install certificates for each account at the respective ends all should happen automatically.

That’s what CSE is for
