Seeing Security Center Icon in System Tray

I simply love this Firewall. The only small complaint I have however, and it’s not necessarily a big deal, is. While both Full Admin user accounts are logged on, if I log completely off my wife’s account and then click to get back on mine, I see the Security Center Alert Icon in the system tray for a split second and then it disappears. This happened with the last version, and is happening again with It flashed a message once too, but since I couldn’t read it fast enough I can only assume it had to do with not having a Firerwall. I only have AOL AVS Antivirus installed and use Windows XP with SP2. Everything was fine after I uninstalled Comodo a day ago to see if installing the new release helped correct the slowdown I experienced in switching from one account to the other, (Which it has)and CPF is being recognized in the Security Center. I checked for all files left over from any other Firewall I may have had installed and ran CCleaner, Regeeker, and even Advanced Disk Cleaner before installing Comodo. I hope I gave enough information and wonder if someone else is experiencing this. Of course even though it’s not a big deal, being ■■■■ I would still like to find out how to prevent it. Thanks ahead of time.

Just wanted to add that I just changed the Subject Title to hopefully get some responses. I didn’t do it out of anger, as I see there are so many helpful people in this Forum. I just thought this title was more accurate. I also realize there are others in this Forum that need more help than me, so I will patiently await for an answer. Thanks again ahead of time.