Secure Email and CAVS 2.0 beta incompatible

Hi, I already have the Comodo Firewall and really like it. So I decided to go onto the website and see what else was on offer. That’s when I saw the anti virus product and so i thought that as the one I had from Grissoft had slowed my computer down considerably I’d try out Comodo Anti Virus and that’s when I saw the secure email product. Unfortunately, when I tried to install the Secure Email it said that my Anti Virus product was incompatible and that I had to update it. I updated it but still have the same error message.

Thanks for your help.

BTW: Are those smileys free? If so, where can I get them??? :slight_smile:

Try Reinstalling CAVS 2.0.


Yes- CAV2 Beta Is incompatible with Comodo SecureEmail. The upcoming CAV3 will solve the incompatible problems with CSE.
