Search by Tag

I don’t know where this should be posted. This is my first post on a forum, so please inform me of my errors.

My question is, “How do I find a list of relevant tags to search?” I clicked on “Tag Cloud” in the search bar and got a list that included GHD Hair Straighteners and Name Brand Handbags and not many that have to do with Comodo. I tried search by tag in the search box, and came up blank. Forums are not my strong point, so I am sure I missed something simple. I also looked in the FAQ’s, but apparently I don’t know how to look.

A normal search is much better… the tag cloud rarely has what someone is looking for.

btw, fyi I removed those tags.

What exactly are you looking for?

People when they make a topic rarely put tags on it.

As OmeletGuy said, it is best to just do a regular search. There is more chance of you finding what you want.

Or you can ask one of us to find it for you. :slight_smile:

Yes, I know forums can be hard for someone to learn. It may take time. :stuck_out_tongue:

I am not sure this is the place to reply, but since you asked, I will tell you.

I am trying to administrate a small office network (3 computers). I just now got high speed internet (Verizon Wireless, USB), and I would like to share it across the network. It is turning out to be more difficult than I had anticipated (like usual), but the main question concerning Comodo follows.

What I think that I want to do is, only allow the minimum necessary communication with the internet to surf and download while allowing everything (except malware) on the LAN. I really wish that Microsoft (and the rest) would not even know I existed. Maybe the following will clarify my position a little.

The network and software are trusted, before I connect them to the internet. Maybe better stated, I trust Comodo to keep out malware, but it looks like to me that Comodo lets out more than I am comfortable with.
To quote:
Re: Share Your Settings
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2006, 10:50:28 AM »
I don’t consider safe what COMODO considers safe (no offense meant)
unquote (quoting another thing I need to learn how to do).

I mean, I read some of the EULA for Vista SP1 and I felt like I signed my life away when I hit accept.

All suggestions and corrections welcomed.

Here are some links:

For BBCode help (the codes you use to quote, underline, bold, etc).

For help with Comodo’s firewall (if you want to ask how to use the firewall for what you need).

General Security questions (not product related).

Other security programs.

I personally am not an expert with firewalls/networks/etc. I’ve noticed that Ronny answers those questions often. You could try and PM (private message) him.