I am using Comodo Internet Security v12.2.2.7098 in Windows 10 64 Bit (October 2020 update), my problem is in Windows Explorer (built-in file explorer) when I right click on any file/folder and select “Scan with Comodo Antivirus” then scan runs, but same think not working in 3rd party file managers like “Tablacus Explorer” all right click option works in Tablacus Explorer except the issue I am reporting.
1st I reported to developer of Tablacus Explorer, but developer respond that this is a bug from the security side.
Hi Gaurav Sahare,
Thank you for reporting, We will check this.
This does work in Directory Opus however
If “Scan with Comodo Antivirus” is or can be executed from the command line then it works for all file managers.
in shadow explorer this also happen…
Please test by yourself, if you can. Tablacus Explorer is portable file manager software. I only know in Tablacus Explorer that all operation will be closed or suspended if Tablacus Explorer closed, however if running (not closed), then at least scan operations should works.
I certainly would test it for you if I could but I use CIS Firewall only (no CIS AV) on Windows 7.
So if you don’t close Tablacus Explorer and try to perform a scan from within Tablacus Explorer then it doesn’t work, correct?
Do you see or get any warning or error messages or log files from Tablacus Explorer or from you system?
Yes! you are right! if I don’t close Tablacus Explorer and try to perform scan, then scan not working.
Currently no warning or error message showing. I forget to tell that when I right click on any file/folder and select “scan with COMODO ANTIVIRUS”, then Tablacus Explorer stuck, and also antivirus scan not starting. 1st I thought that this problem related from Tablacus Explorer, so I reported, but developer of Tablacus Explorer confirmed that no error in Tablacus Explorer.
Yes CIS only allows Comodo and MS signed binaries to access CIS own COM interface, which in turn is used to run AV scans from the context menu.