scan schedule error

Hello everyone

I have installed Comodo AntiVirus and Firewall recently.
These applications seem to work well.
But I have a problem with AntiVirus scan schedule.
Every time I try to make a new scan schedule,
an error dialog pops up on top,
and the Comodo AntiVirus schedule task window is always behind that.
I can not operate AntiVirus scan schedule.
An error dialog is written in Japanese.
I translate it into English.

  Internet Explore script error

  an error happens in this page's script

  line: 259
  letter: 4
  error: The letter is not available
  code: 0
  URL: res://D:\Program%20Files\Comodo\Comodo%20AntiVirus\

  do you keep on running this page's script?
                Yes              No

I click the “Yes”, next dialog pops up.

  Internet Explore script error

  an error happens in this page's script

  line: 392
  letter: 1
  error: select the object, please
  code: 0
  URL: res://D:\Program%20Files\Comodo\Comodo%20AntiVirus\

  do you keep on running this page's script?
              Yes              No

and, “Yes”

  Internet Explore script error

  an error happens in this page's script

  line: 8
  letter: 1
  error: select the object, please
  code: 0
  URL: res://D:\Program%20Files\Comodo\Comodo%20AntiVirus\

  do you keep on running this page's script?
              Yes              No

and again, “Yes”

  Internet Explore script error

  an error happens in this page's script

  line: 21
  letter: 1
  error: select the object, please
  code: 0
  URL: res://D:\Program%20Files\Comodo\Comodo%20AntiVirus\

  do you keep on running this page's script?
              Yes              No

No.4 dialog appears several times. After that, error dialog disappears,
and the Comodo AntiVirus schedule task window become a top window.
But when I try to click the “×(close)” button, No.4 dialog appears again.
And click the “next” button, No.5 appears.

  Internet Explore script error

  an error happens in this page's script

  line: 76
  letter: 1
  error: select the object, please
  code: 0
  URL: res://D:\Program%20Files\Comodo\Comodo%20AntiVirus\

  do you keep on running this page's script?
              Yes              No

So, finally, I have to click the “cancel” button.

When I keep on clicking the “No” button since No.1 dialog appears, nothing changes.
No.1~No.4 dialogs appear again.

I have already mailed to support one week ago.
But there is no reply until now.
Besides, I can not find the topic written about errors like this.
So I decide to start new topic.
If there is someone knows about this error, help me please.

(I am not an English speaker.
There might be a lot of wrong or rude expressions.
Please, forgive.)

Product Information
Build Version:
DataBase Version:
AllowDB Version:
Program Updates Version:

License Information
License Status: Activated
Product Installation Date: 14-6-2006
Product Activation Date: 01-6-2006

Program Files Information

System Information
Operating System: Windows XP
Operating System Version: 05.01.2600
Service Pack: Service Pack 2
Internet Explorer Version: 06.00.2900

Hardware Information
Central Processing Unit (CPU): Unknown P6 family
Total Memory: 503MB

Try the Japanese forum for help on this one… I’ve had no problem with scheduling my English version.


Thanks, Eric.
Well…I have already done it.
However, there are not so many Japanese users yet.
Thinking about you have no problem with scheduling,
my problem might be caused by Japanese OS or Explorer.
Thank you for your replying.