scan engine does not load

Hi everyone! I’ve installed and updated this anti virus today and so far, I’m very well contemplating disinstalling and renewing the licence for my old one.
The scan engine does not load, the error message is the following : Unhandled exception! Exp code: 0x0000005 ExpFlags : 0 ExpAddress 0x0410E6C.
Moreover, my PC either does not boot or takes ages to do so.
Any suggestion?
Thank you.

Hi laumart, welcome to the forums.

I cannot explain what the Unhandled Exception is impacting the scan engine. But, I also had very slow boot problems with the current release version of CAVS. I resolved this issue (as did others) by using the latest CAVS Beta which is here (currently CAVS Beta).

If you wish to report the Unhandled Exception please go to Comodo Support, register on their system & raise a ticket on this issue.