Save Comodo Time Machine!


Can’t bear to go through five pages of posts to see if I’ve answered this. A resounding “PLEASE, PLEASE,” at least always keep this program available. If I had to give up all my “freeware” except one program this would be the one I’d keep. I’ve been worried about this though so I have saved the setup .exe on both the desktop and laptop!

You have my vote ! :-TU

Count me in as well - hope the beta will soon be an official release?

Still hope… :-TU;msg509671#msg509671

it seems like development has started again!


False hope :cry:;msg509922#msg509922

I’d prefer Comodo to forget about time machine and concentrate its efforts on backup. I don’t see why time machine would be a huge selling point especially in the future for windows 8 users who microsoft is proportedly creating its own time machine. I think its going to be a tough time for Comodo with the release of windows 8 as it seems they really are going to try and concentrate on improving backup and restore features in windows and add their own time machine.
My Real Opinion is that whatever comodo do, it does it better than everyone else. No rest for the wicked, saying that I better get back to work.

Hey and warm welcome

Microsoft’s “Time Machine” is not time machine but a Backup; Mac also has something called for Time Machine but it’s nothing what a time machine is if you at least compare what Comodo time machine, Rollback RX and other rollback software.

I hope you will like it here :slight_smile:


  1. Microsoft does NOT seem to be a snapshot feature but a backup.
  2. Concentrate in backup? Why? Sell? There are tons of free options elsewhere…

So, why not a time machine? Will you trust Microsoft more?

I would really like to see the Time Machine product continued as well. It is nice and simple, and love the pre-OS boot menu.

There have been a couple machines that I’ve seen so messed up with virus/malware that they couldn’t boot into Safe Mode. I wonder if the Windows 8 go back utility will have a pre-OS boot option besides Safe Mode like they currently do now.

Sure there are lots of other vendors who make similar stuff, but nothing as plain simple and easy and useful as Comodo’s Time Machine.

CTM Should be continued, Its a very useful tool that can save lots of users from data disaster, I HOPE, that by the next release, most major and minor bugs should be fixed and I hope that we can manually compact snapshots.

It’s being a mess with Windows System Restore…
Oh… How I miss the days I could use CTM with confidence… :cry:

I’m waiting for the sad day I’ll see CTM here… :-[

[attachment deleted by admin]

I do believe that the philosophy behind CTM will not die; but linger on in Comodo Back Up or Round the clock? (My personal guess)… or keep it open (open defined here as open to support/developement/fixed bugs/independently active || or Simply Open = Active/On-going dev/)…

But the reasoning behind of pausing/discontinuing CTM is completely and utterly ■■■■■■■■/stupid… (excuse my language)

It’s like saying oh yeah we’re going to stop the development of Comodo firewall and Antivirus because Microsoft has built in Windows Firewall and Defender/Security Essentials…

Oh and CDE because of BitLocker… oh and EasyVPN because Why not use net send?.. oh and … go on and on…

What makes CTM so special to be put on pause?..

The snapshot technology, not using files but the free space of the disk. Completely recovery in seconds/minutes, test software, do whatever.

I think Jacob was saying what makes CTM a candidate for a development freeze when there are many other Comodo products that also have similar functionality to M$ products.

Correct! :slight_smile:

But I honestly believe that Comodo won’t ah-band-en CTM, but only integrate it in either comodo back up or round the clock… or just keep it open;

Just keep it open does not solve… Software requires development and progress.
Integrated in other products? Will they be brave enough? I mean, if anything goes wrong with CTM, will they risk all the fame of CIS? I don’t think so.
The products are very different and unless it become a complete clean solution for infections (restoring previous snapshots) with safety, they won’t be integrated imho.

You reâd to much of the word ‘open’

I believe it’s my fault for me being short of what i meant