Sandbox directory

Where is sandbox directory, I cant see ???

You need to show hidden folders to see it.


[attachment deleted by admin]

I try this , but ı cant see.

How can ı check , sandbox is work for firefox or ie?

Comodo aren’t one of those companies that put everything on Drive C, are they?
My Drive C is for OS only and minimal.
I hope there is an option or registry hack to put the SandBox folder on another drive…


You can choose where to install CIS and doesnt have to be on the C Drive;
but current if you have installed C:\ Drive i’m sure there is a advance way to change the directory it to be somewhere else

I dont have CS 4.0 Installed Yet


I’ve installed v3 and yes it can be on any drive (but only in a Program Files folder).
But Time Machine only uses Drive C: to store the backups as far as I know and I was concerned that the same would apply to the CIS Sandbox folder.