Sandbox compromised on Windows XP

Short story: WannaCry is able to encrypt my files, in sandbox.
I think it only happens in Windows XP. I even tested it on a real system and got the same result.
I also tested old versions of ccav, the malware seems can’t get through them. (The problem starts from ver 1.9, I guess.)

Malware info.
SHA1 480053030da18b67355eb1ad499825a4a5e50d8d

note: attachment is the video, not malware

[attachment deleted by admin]

Thanks for sharing,
Team is going to check out and we will get back.


what makes you think it’s related to XP only?

Because I’ve run the same test on Windows 8.1 64bit in VirtualBox, seems okay.

Ok that’s reassuring :slight_smile:
Did your XP get the latest patch Microsoft pushed out just to fight wannacry?

Nope, I don’t think they’re relevant.

Yes it is totally irrelevant, the fix only stops the exploit which is used to disseminate the malware. Without it WannaCry is just another regular piece of ransomware.

Hi umesh,
any news about this issue?

Yes, only in CCAV with XP system, a sandbox bug.
No issue with any other OS.

Btw on same XP system, CIS protects fine.

So just in XP system with CCAV.
We have a release coming soon, that will have a fix.


OK, thanks, this is even more reassuring than before :slight_smile:

Hi All,
Please try following fix before we make public release:


v510 of CCAV has been released to fix this bug:

Thanks abe96
Very much appreciated
