Sandbox 1 year today

On monday march 7 it will be one year since the sandbox was introduced in cis 4.0. Comodo has come a long way since then and has made a really powerful sandbox. Autosandboxing is the future of security and is what will keep our systems clean. The manual sandbox should be the next big part in the development of the sandbox. It to is very strong but can use more work. With time it can as great of greater then sandboxie. who knows what time will bring

keep up the great work comodo!

EDIT: my mistake it is was actually released march 3. i originally looked at filehippo for some reason
here is the original post

Really ???. Only one year :o. Big, big improvements in just one year :-TU.

Yes, please ;D. Improve the manual sandbox.

My perspective:

Firewall: Superb.
Automatic Sandboxing: Very, very good (needs to eliminate the few pop ups).
Anti-virus: Not the best, but not bad. But DACS is coming.
Manual Sandbox: Needs big improvements

CIS needs this to become a complete package. Really hope it will come in V6.

But for now : (:CLP) :■■■■ :viva: (one year)

happy new year

Anti-virus: Not the best, but not bad. But DACS is coming.
so is the following that COULD be added besides DACS 1) CAMAS 2) CCS 3)another anti-rootkit module

P.S. As always, This is pure speculation at best. Just like when comodo sandbox was speculation too. No ones know when it comes out, if it comes out. Maybe the “Mods” can find a way to get Melih to spill the beans :o

P.S.S. I can believe it’s a year already. :slight_smile: