Samsung A5 is locked

Tried searching for this but to no avail.
Phone (Samsung Galaxy A5 Duos) is fully locked. Can’t even switch off. It says please enter password but I don’t recollect setting one! Other options are Send E-Mail and Send password with sms. HELP!

Have you tried XDA-Developers Forum?
They specialize in cell phones. That is where you should be.

OK thanks, I’ll give it a try.

OK, it’s sorted. While I was pressing buttons, without any acknowledgement or reaction, a recovery number was receiving SMS. She had 18 this morning. Even if she’d called me, the phone was locked anyway. :-\

Your phone locked with what?

err… Comodo?

If you mean with comodo anti-theft then try this

And please respond. I want to help…

Yes it must have been. As I said all ok now. The problem was that there was no response to me touching the screen so I didn’t know a code had been sent. I couldnt remember setting it up either. 88)Thanks.

That’s good… :-TU

Hey, I got the same problem and if I got it correct my contact got the password to unlock it?

Edit: She deleted the Message… What now?

Are you using the old antitheft or the current one? You will have been emailed a code after installation to unlock your phone. Check your email from another phone or pc.