Sam and Max: Situation Comedy - and Comodo conflict


I have an issue with Comodo firewall and the game Sam and Max - Situation Comedy by Telltale games ( What happens is that when you get into the game, it is very sluggish and jerky, except when you do something that calls for a pre-scripted event to happen, for example look at a desk, at which point the game becomes very smooth.

Using File Monitor from Sysinternals, I can see that cmdagent.exe is querying the executable something like 50 times a second, which is clearly causing the slowdown. Has anybody else experienced this?

The only way that I can get to play the game is to disable the firewall, and terminate the cmdagent.exe process prior to playing. The downsides to this are that the firewall is then disabled whilst playing the game, and that I have to reboot my computer afterwards to re-enable it as the service doesn’t start properly if you try to reload the firewall.

If anyone has any ideas what is going on I’d be interested to hear them. I’ve got in touch with Telltale but so far I don’t know what they are doing about it so I thought I’d ask here.

edit: They have put this issue on the list that they are asking the company that makes their activation software so it looks like it is something to do with this. Still strange though!

Welcome to the forums, smegleg (:WAV)

I presume your game has an executable that connects to the internet, and is listed in CFP’s Application Monitor…

That being the case, you might try opening the rule to Edit it, go to the Miscellaneous tab, and select, “Skip Advanced Security Checks.” Click OK. Reboot your computer.

See if that helps,


Hi Little Mac and thanks for your reply,

I’ve tried what you suggested and it unfortunately has had no effect, the problem remains. From what I gather there are a few issues that the activation software the company uses has generated, and they are in the process of working out these with the makers of the software. Whether or not they will have a solution to this in the near future, who knows.

The strange thing is that from what I can see, it only tries to access the internet initially to verify that you’ve got a valid installation, and after that it doesn’t try to access the network again, so I am a little confused as to why the firewall wants to scan it continuously. Even if I set the firewall to the allow all security level, cmdagent.exe still does the same thing.

Thanks for your help again.

You might file a ticket with Support -; perhaps they can help with that. CFP monitors for changes to applications (as part of the behavioral analysis), to verify that they are still authorized to connect. It does seem that perhaps there’s something going on there, though.

You might also (if you want) try to see if uninstalling/reinstalling CFP helps resolve the issue. Sometimes things get a little buggy, and no amount of effort ever fixes it. The reinstall goes pretty quickly, and sometimes solves all manner of problems.

In general, the steps given here are good to take:,6006.msg44576.html#msg44576. The topic is not specific to your issue, but just for the uninstall/reinstall…

At any rate, let us know how things progress…


PS: One of the Moderators, panic, has been working on settings for various online games, here:,5099.0.html. It might be beneficial to touch base with him on this as well…