Running profile backup from script

Hi Guys,
I’m trying to run a profile backup from a bat file on the windows7 machine

"C:\Program Files\COMODO\COMODO BackUp\CBU.exe"/script "D:\Comodo BKP\"

I have to put the path to the CBU exe in quotes or the cmd prompt will have a problem with the space in program files…also Comodo requires the path to the script in quotes too ???
This line is not running the script, CBU exe launches into memory, a little window prompts me to enter a password for the backup and then it just sits there forever doing nothing (or in a loop)?

Can anyone help please

THe above command exeecutes at a command prompt and just stays running at 12% processor forever (It should only take 2 minutes as it’s an incremental)…IS there something wrong with this script file? It was exported from Comodo directly

/backup_operation /type filesandfolders /source "C:\Socrates\|C:\Users\Fergus\" /compressionlevel low /encryptionpassword "password" /encryptionalgorithm "twofish" /description "Click here to add a description" /destinationtype destinationtypediskfile /destinationpath "I:\Comodo\Socrates_inc_files.cbu" /backup_type incremental /parent_incremental_snapshot_no 1 /parent_backup_storage_type destinationtypediskfile /parent_backup_path "\\?\I:\Comodo\Socrates_inc_files.cbu" /diskusage high /processorusage normal /noLogToScreen /log_file "I:\Comodo\Local_BKP.log" /log_method "append"

Been here, just learning myself…
The format of the execute command seems OK, but from my experiences and reading other posts, it is best to get each command in the script file on a separate line. The error message you are getting, asking for a password, is a left-handed backslap error message saying that something is wrong in the script file - and good luck finding it. They could improve the diagnostics at this point (HINT!)
For every /command, put the parameter in “Quotes”. I am still having some problems, but here is a sample:
/destinationtype “destinationtypediskfile”
/destinationpath “R:\My Backups\20150217 1641 Desktop_inc_files.cbu”
/diskusage “high”
/processorusage “normal”
/log_file “R:\My Backups\20150217 1641 backup.log”
/log_method “create”

I am creating the script file within my .BAT file because I change certain parameters, such as the date/time or name of the files. Each line begins with the /Slash and ends with a space and CR/LF. If editing with NotePad, just leave one space at the end of each line. If writing within a .BAT file,
ECHO /log_method “create” >> “your-script-file-name.CBS”
works very well.
Don’t use SilentRun until you get it debugged.
Start simple, get that to work and then keep adding things

Good Luck!

Thanks for the advice Dixr :slight_smile:

I’ve organised it as you say, but it loads this time and the CMU.exe process just sit there at 12-14% doing nothing, no error :slight_smile: …I’m not sure what I can cut back on, as the local file needs to be encrypted…THis is doing my head in, should be an easy thing.
I did see some errors about ‘task scheduler’ not been 100%…Is windows task scheduler useed with this software?

This came up at the end of one backup
18.02.2015 15:36:09 Diagnostics detected some errors (see uppercase errors)!

Could the Comodo Software be producing a ■■■■ script? WOuld that be possible

/type “filesandfolders”
/source "C:\Socrates|C:\Users\Fergus"
/compressionlevel “low”
/encryptionpassword “password”
/encryptionalgorithm “twofish”
/description “Click here to add a description”
/destinationtype “destinationtypediskfile”
/destinationpath “I:\Comodo\Socrates_inc_files.cbu”
/backup_type “incremental”
/parent_incremental_snapshot_no “1”
/parent_backup_storage_type “destinationtypediskfile”
/parent_backup_path “I:\Comodo\Socrates_inc_files.cbu”
/diskusage “high”
/processorusage “normal”
/log_file “I:\Comodo\Local_BKP.log”
/log_method “append”

When debugging, output as much information as you can…
Remove the /noLogToScreen
Have you looked at the log files that are in the ComodoLogsFolder ?
(path is \Users\xxxx\AppData\Local\Temp\ComodoLogsFolder)
Delete all the contents just before running your test and then look at the exe.log file after you run. You may find some indication on what is going on.

Also, for testing purposes, take out some of the options. I know, you want your file encrypted, but test without it to see if it works any better.

Just some thoughts. Good luck

Fairplay, I didn’t know about the appData logs…Brilliant, THis will definately help with getting somewhere :slight_smile: THanks again!

Any successes? Can you share your experience and help others?
Forums that have only questions and no feedback or answers isn’t a good Forum (HINT!!).

I have not had any luck using the EMAIL options, have you tried them?


SOrry for the dalay, I haven’t had the chance to get back to this lately, I’m getting an awful lot of 100 timeout errors, I’m trying to backup 20Gig and it’s impossible even using the profile option and just clicking backup…

THe script keeps producing “error 5” …when I try to run it…

THe error below keeps coming up after about 10%…It uploads the first few Gig ok, and then comes to a halt…Is there a way of finding out what Servers Comodo is using, surely some are european based?

_internFetchCosResponse call failed with API_STATUS 62.
[05.03.2015 21:07:56:050|Th00002078|LN004140|_COS_CLIENT_OPERATION_CONTROLLER::COSWriteFileWithOffset] _internFetchCosResponse call failed with API_STATUS 62.
[05.03.2015 21:07:56:050|Th0000210c|LN002965|WriteToCOSFileBackup] CCloudMTCBUAddWriteDelayedWriteFileRequest call failed with API_STATUS 100.
[05.03.2015 21:07:56:050|Th000014f8|LN000851|COS_OP_WriteFileWithOffset] Operation failed. Error 62
[05.03.2015 21:07:56:050|Th0000210c|LN026468|__internWriteBackupDeduplicatedAndCompressed] Writing failed because 100
[05.03.2015 21:07:56:050|Th000014f8|LN000924|CCloudMTProcessWriteDelayedThreadBody] COS_OP_WriteFileWithOffset error 62
[05.03.2015 21:07:56:050|Th0000210c|LN027487|__internWriteBackupDeduplicated] _internWriting backup failed because 100
[05.03.2015 21:07:56:050|Th00001b18|LN000851|COS_OP_WriteFileWithOffset] Operation failed. Error 62
[05.03.2015 21:07:56:050|Th0000210c|LN004002|PerformItemContentSerialization] WriteBackup failed because 100
[05.03.2015 21:07:56:050|Th00001b18|LN000924|CCloudMTProcessWriteDelayedThreadBody] COS_OP_WriteFileWithOffset error 62
[05.03.2015 21:07:56:050|Th0000210c|LN004003|PerformItemContentSerialization] #> An error occurred while writing data to backup!
[05.03.2015 21:07:56:050|Th00002094|LN000851|COS_OP_WriteFileWithOffset] Operation failed. Error 62
[05.03.2015 21:07:56:050|Th0000210c|LN012790|SerializeBackupContentForTree] PerformItemContentSerialization failed with code 100
[05.03.2015 21:07:56:050|Th00002094|LN000924|CCloudMTProcessWriteDelayedThreadBody] COS_OP_WriteFileWithOffset error 62
[05.03.2015 21:07:56:050|Th0000210c|LN013451|NewSerializeFileSystemBackupSource] SerializeBackupContentForTree failed with code 100
[05.03.2015 21:07:56:050|Th000019d4|LN000851|COS_OP_WriteFileWithOffset] Operation failed. Error 62
[05.03.2015 21:07:56:050|Th000019d4|LN000924|CCloudMTProcessWriteDelayedThreadBody] COS_OP_WriteFileWithOffset error 62
[05.03.2015 21:07:56:050|Th00002078|LN000851|COS_OP_WriteFileWithOffset] Operation failed. Error 62
[05.03.2015 21:07:56:050|Th00002078|LN000924|CCloudMTProcessWriteDelayedThreadBody] COS_OP_WriteFileWithOffset error 62
[05.03.2015 21:07:56:097|Th0000210c|LN001608|CloseCCloudMTCBUWriteDelayed] Thread 18 error 100
[05.03.2015 21:07:56:097|Th0000210c|LN001512|_COS_CLIENT_OPERATION_CONTROLLER::GetCommChOwnership] Wait mutex error 62
[05.03.2015 21:07:56:097|Th0000210c|LN006919|_COS_CLIENT_OPERATION_CONTROLLER::_internCreateCosRequest] GetCommChOwnership call failed with API_STATUS 62.
[05.03.2015 21:07:56:097|Th0000210c|LN004268|_COS_CLIENT_OPERATION_CONTROLLER::COSSetFilePointer] _internCreateCosRequest call failed with API_STATUS 62.
[05.03.2015 21:07:56:097|Th0000210c|LN000667|COS_OP_SetFilePointer] Operation failed. Error 62
[05.03.2015 21:07:56:097|Th0000210c|LN001652|CloseCCloudMTCBUWriteDelayed] COS_OP_SetFilePointer error 62
[05.03.2015 21:08:13:288|Th0000210c|LN002643|CloseCOSFileBackup] Closing cos backup error 100
[05.03.2015 21:08:13:303|Th0000210c|LN028186|AbortBackup] Warning: Closing backup failed because 100
[05.03.2015 21:08:13:303|Th00000d08|LN007163|CGUIDlg::OnLogInCos] Invalid parameter (currentPage) in COSOpenSessionTH.
[05.03.2015 21:08:16:174|Th0000210c|LN001942|PerformFileSystemBackup] #> Error 100 occurred
[05.03.2015 21:08:16:174|Th0000210c|LN012058|_BACKUP_CREATE::StartBackup] Native jobs file names could not be reverted because 97 ! 
[05.03.2015 21:08:16:174|Th00000d08|LN007163|CGUIDlg::OnLogInCos] Invalid parameter (currentPage) in COSOpenSessionTH.
[05.03.2015 21:08:16:267|Th0000210c|LN012378|_BACKUP_CREATE::StartBackup] Backup process failed because 100
[05.03.2015 21:08:16:267|Th0000210c|LN012386|_BACKUP_CREATE::StartBackup] #> Backup failed with code 100 (Timeout).
[05.03.2015 21:10:16:200|Th00001f70|LN001427|ListenForLoginLogoutThread] Waiting event took longer than 120000 miliseconds.

Simplify and keep testing

  • on the /source command, specify just one small folder for now.

  • I have not had any luck with having the /source command on its own line. Bring up another command to follow it (just for a trial)

  • Take out the NoLogToScreen, CompressionLevel, Encryption and Parent commands for testing.

I don’t understand your comment about what “servers” Comodo is using. You are not using the cloud options, so you should be totally self-contained.

Good Luck