Rules Version 0.37 - Problems WHMCS

The new Version 0.37 is causing problems in WHMCS, again!

Rules: 211022 and 211026 is returning error 403 when trying to save articles in the knowledge base of WHMCS.

Referer: [url=][/url]

And the rule 220020 continues with pcre problem!

Please, post here (or PM me) information from your audit.log so we can check why these rules are blocking your requests.

PM sent!

Is your admin panel placed in “/admin/” directory or you moved it to another location? As I understand you just replaced actual path in URLs to the “xxxx” to protect your personal data. If your “/admin/” directory isn’t in “/admin/”, try to restore it to original location and test the rules again. Recently I have tested rules with WHMCS Version: 5.2.14 and it works great without false positives.

Please answer after you test it again.

The name of the admin directory has changed. This is a security recommendation of own WHMCS.

Leave the default directory as ’ admin ’ is asking to be attacked!

Another detail is that many facilities WHMCS do not use the default ’ admin ’ directory, these rules will be trouble for a lot of users.

I can’t change the name of my admin directory, we’re talking about the security of a system.

In previous versions the 0.37 this problem does not occur.

In such case you should simply disable these rules for your configuration.

This is really counter-productive since several users change the the admin directory name.

Can you please look into this ? It’s holding us from using the rules. We are afraid unless the WHMCS admin directory name is resolved, new rules might keep disturbing the normal usage of the script. Again, I must repeat that changing the admin directory name for WHMCS is a very widespread behavior among it’s users.
ps: the op claimed that this “bug” didn’t exist before v0.37

We will make further checks.

Looking forward to this :slight_smile:

Can you or other participants inform us on the current status re: using WHMCS with Comodo WAF ?

Are there still 403 warning page problems on WHMCS or other issues I wonder ?

Can we please hear from other Comodo WAF users on their user experience and the above ?

We have not yet deployed Comodo WAF on a VPS with CloudLinux, WHM/cPanel, WHMCS and Litespeed first investigating for possible (unresolved) issues. Configserver Firewall ( without paid add-ons) is currently used as well as php Hulk Bruteforce. And for a few WordPress sites Wordfence.

We are also having issues with WHMCS, for example simply trying to save the general settings in the admin area will generate a 403 and block the IP. We also have renamed our admin folder, which is the procedure recommended by WHMCS.

Rule 210830 seems to be particularly troublesome.

Of course we don’t want to disable a rule that may stop legitimate attacks, so additional help here would be greatly appreciated.

