Rules Meant To open any TCP port Leave all TCP ports closed [M967]

Hi Rick not sure what you mean by ‘lib’? How can I help? I have 8.1 Enterprise on VM now (previously I was unable to test as I did not have a copy), and your standard remote access app installed so there are many options including you testing on my PC if you want.

Best wishes


Oh just to note that the CIS installer on 8.1 leaves Windows FW on. Probably not relevant…

What kind of rule do I need to create for "Windows Operating System"?

Although replacing the two files has fixed my TCP port problem, this new update is still causing problems. I’ve had the computer become unstable and freeze twice now. I’ll probably have to create a new thread/report if it happens again. It’s just seems to be one problem after another since the update. I ran Comodo for years without any such problems. It’s disappointing.

If you use the two old sys files, then don’t need create Windows Operating System rules.
This is new solution, if you put back original sys files, then need create additional rules:
In Application Rules->Add->Browse->Running Processes->Select “Windows Operating System” then press OK->Select Use a Custom Ruleset->copy here rules manually from Global Rules, then press OK.

Hi guys,

I am an engineer of COMODO, and I have tried t to reproduce the issue, but can’t succeed. Based on reply here, I have modified the codes, please download and test it, the test patch is for win8(including ofr x64 and x86).

Below is test steps:
1)Open folder %windir%\system32\drivers, rename cmdhlp.sys to;
2)Download and unzip the attached files, copy related cmdhlp.sys to folder %windir%\system32\drivers;
3)Reboot machine, test application which encounters issue.

If you have any question, please tell me.

Rick ■■■■

This modified driver work for me. (Windows 8.1 Pro 64 bit)

Oh just to note that the CIS installer on 8.1 leaves Windows FW on. Probably not relevant.....
I disabled manually. (all 3 profiles)

Sorry you are having this problem. I would suggest trying disabling the URL filter and viruscope and rebooting. If that does not work try renaming cmdurlfltr.dll and rebooting. It’s holding onto handles which it should free up. If you wish to discuss more please create another topic.

That was just a reminder for Rick :slight_smile:

Ok I’ll try that and reply later.

When I first reported this problem I was running just plain 8 and not 8.1.

I did not even notice. I disabled Windows Firewall. Thank you for letting us know.

I did copy the 2 files from v6, but I want to test out the new solution to verify we are having the same problem. Thank you for the help.

It seems to be a completely different issue and has only happened twice, thus why I haven’t created a report. I’ll try your recommendations when I get a chance. I did a search but did not see any threads exactly like my issue, like I found with the TCP ports. Basically the computer is unstable after a long period of inactivity. Then I get process “could not be recognized and requests unlimited access to your computer” for consent.exe and svchost.exe, which were already marked as trusted when I did the initial scan when I reinstalled Comodo Firewall v7.

It seems to be a completely different issue and has only happened twice, thus why I haven't created a report. I'll try your recommendations when I get a chance. I did a search but did not see any threads exactly like my issue, like I found with the TCP ports. Basically the computer is unstable after a long period of inactivity. Then I get process "could not be recognized and requests unlimited access to your computer" for consent.exe and svchost.exe, which were already marked as trusted when I did the initial scan when I reinstalled Comodo Firewall v7.

Seems different - please do report it as a bug. I have seen something similar so will post saying so. I’ll tell you how we can maybe dump the OS while it is happening in the bug report if Chiron does not first. (I cannot as the relevant command does not work on my machine). Best wishes.

Hi Mike, Thanks for your kindly help. in fact, I can’t reproduce the issue because I can’t test TCP port in my machine even without CIS. when I try to “Incoming TCP Listen Port”, I get error:
Testing port TCP 50512 …
NAT Error - Connect attempt to (your computer) timed out after 20 seconds. This means your port is probably closed.

I don’t know why(QA of Ukraine encounters same issue). if you can reproduce the issue, please replace test patch I have attached, and tell me test result.

if for more information, I will inform you ASAP.

Best Regards,
Rick ■■■■

OK Rick I will try to reproduce on my VM some time today, then try the new driver. It seems it reproduces on 8 and 8.1 not 7 - I have tried on 7.

You probably have a corporate hardware firewall set to prevent incoming connections unless authorised.

Having trouble replicating issue on 8.1 Enterprise, so I cannot test fix. Probably my fault. Can anyone help?

  1. On VM with 4142 and 8.1 with shared (host) IP and Global rule ‘allow TCP/UDP in from port any to port 49003’ I get both TCP and UDP NAT 49003 test on Vuze blocked when there is no router port forwarding

  2. On VM with 4142 and 8.1 with bridged (VM’s own) IP and Global rule ‘allow TCP/UDP in from port any to port 49003’ I get both TCP and UDP NAT test on Vuze allowed when there is router port forwarding

  3. On VM with 4142 and 8.1 with bridged (VM’s own) IP and Global rule ‘allow TCP/UDP in to from port any to port 49003’ I get both TCP and UDP NAT test on Vuze blocked when there is no router port forwarding.

I’m not getting an application rule alert in respect of the test, whether blocked or allowed, which suggests the OS is receiving the packets?

Best wishes


I just tried the patch and it works. I reverted back to the original v7 cmdhlp.sys and inspect.sys files to make sure.

I lost you at “copy here rules manually from Global Rules”. Which rules? All I have in Global Rules are rules to allow the home network and to block ICMP. ???

Sorry, I don’t know what’s causing it. For me it just started after the update to v7, but I did not notice it until I added the router. In fact I may not have realized I had a problem until I used Vuze and it said I had NAT problems. :-\

Hi np2359,

Devs have marked this issue as “Fixed”. Please verify.


The devs have marked this as Fixed. I will therefore move this to Resolved.

If this is still happening on your computer please respond.

Thank you.