rule with host name does not work properly

I have a rule for Svchost.exe, which allows all outcoming IP to http://*
But it seems this rule does not work properly, because firewall blocks outcoming TCP to (port 80) from Svchost.exe.
What can be done to solve this problem?

Can you please clarify what you mean by “outcoming”.

Under normal circumstances;
OUTGOING = leaving your PC and going to another PC
INCOMING = trying to get to your PC from another PC

Outcoming has me really confused. ???

Ewen :slight_smile:


you can not use back/forward-slash characters and the wildcard * character when specifying a domain name. It is also unnecessary to define the protocol http:. So you should only use in the rule for the host name address.

But I made the same rule as one preset-rule for Windows Update (see picture). So, the rule for WU does not work too?

[attachment deleted by admin]

Correct, you need to change it to which dns resolves to and