rule problems


I am using comodo firewall a while i had litle problems at first but i solved it. But yesterday i was in hurry i want do rule fore Apachee Server but somehow didnt work so i delete it but it seems i delete one rule more cause when i turn on pc i get disconected i must disable comodo to connect and than enable it again, my msn dosnt work ??? utorent is green but have so litle nodes only 42, normal i have about 200 .

Would be beter if i install it agin? Help please!

If you were using just the standard rules, then the easiest way would be to uninstall and then reinstall, with a reboot in between, given that the firewall rules are in an unknown state.

When you reinstall, remember to turn off the local loopback checking (SECURITY - ADVANCED - MISCELLANEOUS) to allow the local Apache install to work.

After everythings working, have a look at;msg18544

This script will let you backup your firewall configuration in case it goes pear shaped again.

Hope this helps,
Ewen :slight_smile:

Thanks Ewen i have install comodo again set some rules and work great.

Everything work but i dont know what you think with thise

When you reinstall, remember to turn off the local loopback checking (SECURITY - ADVANCED - MISCELLANEOUS) to allow the local Apache install to work.

I check option skip local loopback (127… UDP and TCP both, did you think thise?
And i done one rule for Apache for destination port 80 and now work from other PCs to.